The purpose of the Student Grievance Committee is to hear and review grievances from students relative to concerns with their academic programs, grade appeals, or other areas where the students may feel grieved.
- To provide an opportunity to any individual student to appeal against a final decision on student progression, assessment and awards
- To adjudicate on academic appeals
- To review and adjudicate on non-academic appeals
Students and faculty should attempt to resolve problems that arise between them. If students are unable to get a satisfactory solution, then they may follow the procedure below:
- Make a written submission to the Student Grievance Committee requesting a hearing by the Committee.
- All parties involved in grievances referred to the Committee will submit written statements describing the situation. Students and faculty involved in grievances may present their cases in person to the Committee, if they so desire.
- The Committee will forward its recommendations to the College President for disposition.
Final Decision
Based on the recommendations of the Grievance Committee, the College President’s will make a decision to redress the grievance. The president’s decision will be final and binding on all parties.