MISSION: Our mission is to conduct rigorous and multidisciplinary research to expand knowledge.

VISION: To advance human knowledge and improve the quality of life for all through innovative and impactful applied research.



To ensure that research undertaken at the Maldives Business College is undertaken according to the college’s Research Policy and upholds the highest standards of excellence, integrity, and ethics, promoting innovative, reliable, and impactful contributions to the academic community and society at large.


This policy applies to all research activities, projects, and publications initiated by faculty and students.


  1. Ethical Conduct: All research endeavors should be based on principles of honesty, integrity, and social responsibility.
  2. Rigor and Excellence: Ensuring methodological soundness, accuracy, and relevance in all research undertakings.
  3. Transparency: Openness in research methodologies, findings, and potential conflicts of interest.
  4. Collaboration: Promoting interdisciplinary research and partnerships with other institutions and industry.

Policy Elements:

  • Ethical Approval and Appeal:
  1. Establishing and maintaining a Research Ethics Committee to review and approve research proposals, particularly those involving human and animal subjects.
  2. Researchers who are dissatisfied with the Research Ethics Committee may submit an appeal to the Research Appeals Committee. The decision of the Research Appeals Committee will be final and binding on related parties.
  3. Ensuring informed consent processes are rigorously followed where required.
  • Training and Development:
  1. Regular workshops and training sessions on research methodologies, ethics, tools, and best practices.
  2. Support for attending conferences, seminars, and courses that enhance research skills and knowledge.
  • Data Management:
  1. Ensuring secure and systematic storage of research data.
  2. Promoting open-access where appropriate while respecting intellectual property rights and confidentiality agreements.
  • Transparency and Disclosure:
  1. Mandating disclosure of potential conflicts of interest in research undertakings.
  2. Transparent reporting of methodologies, results, and interpretations.
  • Collaborative Research:
  1. Formulating guidelines for collaborative research partnerships, ensuring clarity in roles, contributions, and rights. These guidelines must be prepared before entering into any research collaboration.
  2. Supporting interdisciplinary research within the college.

Implementation and Responsibilities:

  1. The Research Ethics Committee is responsible for the oversight and implementation of this policy.
  2. Individual researchers are accountable for ensuring their work aligns with this policy and associated guidelines.

Monitoring and Review:

  1. Annual reviews will evaluate the policy’s effectiveness, considering changes in the broader research landscape and feedback from the academic community.
  2. Engage with both internal and external stakeholders for feedback and recommendations during review phases.

Related Documents:

  1. Research Policy
  2. TOR for Research Ethics Committee
  3. TOR for Research Appeal Committee

Approval and Amendment History:

This policy is ratified by the College Council on December 29, 2023. Amendments will be duly recorded with dates and specifics.


General Implementation Process

  • Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Relevant faculty will be assigned roles and responsibilities for regular monitoring and evaluation of the processes, activities, practices, policies and enforcement mechanism will be put in place so that all process and activities in the college are regularly reviewed, monitored and evaluated against the in-place quality standards and to be reported to relevant college authorities or committees.
  • Self-Assessment: We will conduct a self-evaluation review of all the resources, activities, policies, resources, procedures and outcomes of the entire research process annually to identify the effectiveness of the process in achievement of our strategic objectives and enhance our quality of research.
  • External Verification: We will employ an external verifier to review and validate our self-evaluation review. It will involve a panel of external experts and faculty members to identify the areas of improvement and the mechanism to be developed for enhancing the academic research in the college. The panel will prepare and submit an External Verification Report which will be submitted to the College Council for deliberation and action.
  • Research Enhancement Plan: Based upon the recommendations and suggestions of the self-assessment review report and external-verification report, the College Council in collaboration with the Research Ethics Committee will draw up a Research Enhancement Plan. This plan will be incorporated into the college’s strategic plan.