The College aims to maintain high standards in its educational provision. Our policy is, therefore, to maintain and enhance the quality of our educational provision in a manner that will ensure compliance with MQA requirements and student needs. The policy will be implemented through the following processes and procedures.
Quality Assurance Process
Quality assurance and enhancement takes place through the quality assurance and enhancement framework which describes the quality assurance and enhancement policies and procedures. The following outlines the quality assurance and enhancement framework.
- The quality assurance and enhancement of the College’s programs take place within its own guidelines, the guidelines provided by our curriculum providers and through the mechanisms in place for accreditation and approval at the Maldives Qualifications Authority.
- The quality of learning and teaching is maintained and enhanced in the College through the Senate and the faculty.
- The Senate is charged with promoting the academic excellence of the College. It does so through the Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Compliance Committee.
- Responsibility for quality assurance and enhancement is shared by senior officers of the College. The President leads on issues related to quality assurance. He works with members of the faculty to develop academic policy and to develop and maintain best practices.
- The Senate and the faculty work together to ensure that the quality of learning and teaching is maintained.
- Although quality assurance and enhancement are the responsibility of the QAECC, the responsibility to assure and enhance quality lies within individual program areas.
- Professor of individual subjects take on continuous improvement of the quality of learning, teaching and student experience. This is done through student feedback, peer observation, supervision of teaching, faculty professional development and student support in the form of guidance and counseling. These are critical to maintaining the high standards of outcomes expected of the Maldives Business School’s graduates.
- Those faculty members who are in charge of the administration of the program undertake to periodically review the curricular content of the program and make recommendations to the QAECC.