The legal context for quality assurance in a college, as outlined in the Maldives Higher Education Act of 2021, comprises various provisions. Article 16(5) stipulates that programs granting qualifications on the Maldives National Qualifications Framework must adhere to its guidelines, with the Maldives Qualifications Authority tasked with enforcement and institutional audits to ensure compliance. Additional articles within the Act establish requirements such as submitting annual reports (Article 26(1)), prohibiting student discrimination and ensuring equitable treatment (Article 27(1)), disclosing financial aid and fee information (Article 27(2) and (3)), implementing appeal mechanisms for admissions, teaching, and activities (Article 28(1), (2), and (3)), setting up processes to address contracted-out assessments (Article 65(4)), remitting financial penalties to the Ministry of Higher Education (Article 65(8)), and criminalizing the provision of false information to the MoHE (Article 66(1)). These provisions collectively form the legal foundation for upholding quality standards in college education.
The regulatory context for quality assurance in higher education in regulations made by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) and the Maldives Qualifications Authority (MQA). It consists of multiple sets of requirements outlined in various MoHE and MQA regulations. MoHE Regulation No. 2021/R-159 mandates colleges to acquire permits for premises (Article 6(1)), gain MQA approval for programs on the MNQF (Article 6(2)), publicize admission and enrollment regulations, along with regulations prohibiting contracting out assessments by students (Article 6(3)), ensure qualified staff and lecturers along with publicized staff regulations (Article 6(4)), and cooperate with MoHE, MQA, and MNSDA investigations (Article 7(2)). MoHE Regulation No. 2021/R-160 sets criteria for student enrollment, program levels, lecturer qualifications, premises, and mandates the presence of a College Council (Article 23 to 31) as the highest decision-making body of the college. MoHE Regulation No. 2022/R-69 and No. 2022/R-76 requires that all programs on the MNQF be accredited by the MQA and follow MQA guidelines for program implementation and E-Learning (Article 6(4) and Article 4-7, respectively). MoHE Regulation No. 2022/R-77 further mandates that programs be conducted in accordance with Maldives HE Act, gives rules for advanced standing, student enrollment, and program management (Article 5, 17, 18, 20-24). MoHE Regulation No. 2022/R-78 requires that programs be audited (Article 4 and 6), and MQA Regulation No. 2022/R-79 outlines requirements for institutional audits (Article 5, 8, 10, 15). Lastly, MQA Regulation No. 2022/G-6 gives rules for enrolling students, including semester parameters and teaching continuity (Article 4-6).
Our mission is to give our students an excellent education in a caring environment. That mission leads us to envision a future in which we teach our students well and in which our students are able to flourish. And that mission gives us the values that we hold dear – always acting in the best interest of our students and working with love, integrity and enthusiasm.
Our mission, vision and values impel us to commit ourselves to setting and maintaining high standards and enhance in our educational provision and continuously endeavor to enhance our educational provision in a manner that ensures compliance with the MQA requirements and student needs.
Our quality assurance strategy is to constantly and consistently serve the academic needs of our students so that they will be able to successfully complete their academic programs. To execute this strategy, we will implement a systematic process for quality assurance that meets high standards of education and governance, provides high-quality services to students and staff, and maintain and enhance the quality of our educational provision in a manner that will ensure compliance with MQA requirements and student needs. The strategy will be implemented through the Quality Assurance Framework that details the quality assurance process.
- Maintain and further develop the quality assurance process and quality cycle
- ESTABLISHED QA PROCESS AND CYCLE: There will be a quality assurance policy which will consist of a quality assurance cycle consisting of structures and procedures for assuring academic integrity and freedom, preventing academic fraud, and continuous improvement.
- WELL-DESIGNED AND APPROVED: We will improve upon the existing process for the design and approval of programs so that they are of high quality, reflect the current state of knowledge, meet their objectives, and are approved through a formal institutional approval process.
- COMPLIANT WITH REGULATIONS: We will consistently apply pre-defined and published regulations covering all phases of the student life cycle, i.e., reliable and fair student admission, recognition of prior learning, creating conditions and support for success, monitoring of progression, graduation and certification.
- Assure the quality of programs, teaching and assessment
- HIGH-QUALITY PROGRAMS: To ensure the quality of our programs, we will conduct ongoing monitoring and periodic review of programs so that the content we teach is up-to-date with current research, the changing needs of society, students’ workload and progression, assessment procedures, student expectations and satisfaction, and the learning environment and support services, leading to continuous improvement and publication of revised program specifications.
- HIGH-QUALITY TEACHING: We will ensure the quality of teaching in our college by prioritizing the recruitment of highly qualified and competent faculty with effective teaching skills, providing ongoing professional development opportunities, establishing a culture of continuous improvement through feedback mechanisms and evaluations, creating a supportive learning environment with active learning strategies, and implementing robust assessment processes aligned with our educational goals to foster excellence and provide a high-quality educational experience for our students.
- HIGH-QUALITY ASSESSMENTS: We will assure the quality of assessments by establishing clear and transparent assessment guidelines aligned with intended learning outcomes, preventing plagiarism through software, preventing cheating in examinations through live proctoring, providing regular training and professional development for faculty on assessment methodologies, implementing diverse assessment methods, conducting regular review and moderation of assessment results, seeking student feedback, and maintaining the integrity of our assessment processes to accurately measure student learning outcomes and ensure academic achievement.
- Ensure that a periodic external quality review takes place
- WELL-DESIGNED EXTERNAL REVIEW: To ensure education quality and regulatory compliance, our institution will implement external quality assurance measures, including a well-defined design methodology for conducting reviews, with clear aims, objectives, and a comprehensive framework guiding evaluation processes, outcomes, and follow-up procedures, aiming to systematically assess and improve educational practices.
- WELL-DEFINED APPROACH: Our approach will to external review will include site visits by a group of external experts that include a student member, who will receive training and briefing to ensure meaningful participation, resulting in an assessment report with clear outcomes to identify strengths and weaknesses and inform future improvement initiatives for our educational programs.
- WELL-DEFINED REVIEW CRITERIA: To maintain objectivity and consistency, our assessments will be based on explicit and published criteria applied consistently throughout the evaluation process, ensuring fairness and reliability, while the comprehensive external evaluation report, submitted to the college president, will encompass a detailed description of the context, procedures, expert involvement, evidence, analysis, findings, conclusions, good practices, recommendations, and a summary, serving as a valuable resource to guide targeted improvements and enhance the quality of education in our institution.
- Purpose of the Framework
The purpose of the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Framework is to set standards for strategic objectives the most important of which are an excellent education and a caring environment for our students and to ensure that we achieve them through continuous monitoring, evaluation, feedback and enhancement.
- Principles
We will follow the principles given below in our implementation of the framework.
- Design and implementation: The Quality Assurance and Enhancement Framework is designed and implemented taking into consideration international standards and national statutory requirements and guidelines.
- Scope: The framework involves both periodic reviews of modules and programs, monitoring and supervision of teaching, and review of policies and procedures.
- Culture: We will create a quality culture through the commitment of our staff and students for continuous improvement.
- Stakeholders: The processes in this framework involve all stakeholders, especially students and staff, so that they are transparent and inclusive.
- General Implementation Process
The following is the general implementation process for the framework.
- Policies and Procedures: This framework will be implemented through all the policies and procedures of the college in place.
- Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Relevant staffs will be assigned responsibilities for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the process and enforcement mechanisms will be put in place so that all processes in the college are continuously monitored and evaluated against our quality standards and reported to relevant college authorities.
- Self-Assessment: We will conduct a self-evaluation of the structures, resources, processes and outcomes of the entire college every year for the previous year in order to gauge the achievement of our strategic objectives and enhance our quality.
- External Verification: We will employ external verifiers to validate our self-evaluations. It will involve a panel of external experts and a student member. They will produce and External Verification Report which will be submitted to College Council for deliberation and action.
- Quality Enhancement Plan: Upon the recommendations of the self-assessment report and the external verification report, the College Council will draw up a quality enhancement plan. This plan will be incorporated into the strategic plan.
- Responsibility and Leadership for the implementation of the framework
The President of the college, with the approval and in consultation with the College Council, bears the ultimate responsibility for quality assurance and enhancement and for the implementation of the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Framework.
1. Policy on Teaching and Learning
- Preamble:
This Teaching and Learning Policy is framed upon the principles of delivering excellent education, rooted in high-quality teaching, comprehensive academic resources, and the continuous enhancement of our College’s capacity. This policy will guide our efforts in nurturing a caring environment that is student-centered and fosters academic excellence.
- Principles:
1.1. Education at our college is anchored in a student-centered approach, wherein students actively partake in their learning journey.
1.2. We commit to continuous improvement, innovation, and the integration of the latest pedagogical methods and technologies in our educational delivery.
1.3. Collaboration and open communication between faculty, students, and staff are pivotal to our teaching and learning environment.
- Excellence in Teaching and Learning:
2.1. All instructional strategies will prioritize student engagement, active participation, and diverse student needs.
2.2. Faculty will be encouraged to continuously refine their pedagogical methods, integrate technology, and undertake professional development opportunities.
2.3. We will regularly evaluate and adjust our teaching methods based on feedback and research.
- Assessment:
3.1. The assessment process will be transparent, fair, and reflect the student-centered teaching approach.
3.2. Feedback mechanisms will be in place to ensure students receive constructive and timely feedback on their performance.
3.3. Faculty will be equipped with necessary tools and training to develop effective assessment strategies.
- Quality Resources for Academic Work:
4.1. We will invest in and maintain a robust library infrastructure, both online and physical, that provides diverse and up-to-date textbooks, references books and academic journal articles.
4.2. Course materials will be easily accessible to students through our student portal this includes PowerPoints presentations, assessment briefs, class recordings, class links and resources books.
4.3. State-of-the-art facilities, including computer labs and study areas, will be provided to create a conducive learning environment.
4.4. Comprehensive academic support services, such as tutoring and research support, will be readily available to students.
- Building Institutional Capacity:
5.1. The recruitment process will emphasize faculty qualifications, teaching ability, and alignment with our strategic objectives.
5.2. The curriculum of all the programs will be regularly reviewed to ensure their relevance, rigor, and alignment with industry needs and academic developments.
5.3. We will continuously enhance our technological infrastructure, ensuring faculty and staff are trained in the effective integration of these tools in both teaching and administrative processes.
- Review and Accountability:
6.1. This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and reflects the latest advancements in the higher education sector.
6.2. Feedback from students, faculty, and staff, will be integral to the review process.
6.3. Annual reports reflecting the performance metrics and outcomes related to this policy will be made available to the College Council.
In upholding this policy, our college reiterates its commitment to academic excellence and the holistic development of its students.
2. Assessment Policy
Maldives Business School is dedicated to providing students with quality business education. The School views assessment as a major factor in its quality assurance system.
The conduct of student assessment is a function of the Assessment Board. The basic principles applied in student assessments are:
- They should assess the learning outcomes specified in the module specifications.
- They should be rigorous and designed to support high standards.
- The assessment process must be transparent.
- The assessments must be equitable in both design and operation.
- They must be valid and reliable.
In accordance with these principles, the School will:
- Maintain standards by ensuring external scrutiny of its courses by an external verifier and consideration of their reports.
- Publish and regularly review procedures governing the conduct of assessments.
- Ensure that the criteria for the assessment of qualifications are kept under revision.
- Have in place procedures for the consideration of special assessment arrangements for reasons of disability or other special needs.
- Have a proper mechanism for the resolution of complaints and appeals of an academic nature.
- Establish regulations and procedures for dealing with academic misconduct.
- Encourage students to participate in the improvement of teaching and assessment practices by giving student feedback.
3. Quality Assurance and Enhancement Process
Quality assurance and enhancement takes place through the quality assurance and enhancement framework which describes the quality assurance and enhancement policies and procedures. The following outlines the quality assurance and enhancement framework.
- The quality assurance and enhancement of the College’s programs take place within its own guidelines, the guidelines provided by our curriculum providers and through the mechanisms in place for accreditation and approval at the Maldives Qualifications Authority.
- The quality of learning and teaching is maintained and enhanced in the College through the Senate and the faculty.
- The Senate is charged with promoting the academic excellence of the College. It and does so through the Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Compliance Committee.
- Responsibility for quality assurance and enhancement is shared by senior officers of the College. The President leads the College’s takes a lead on issues related to quality assurance. He works with members of the faculty to develop academic policy and to develop and maintain best practice.
- The Senate and the faculty work together to ensure that the quality of learning and teaching is maintained.
- Although quality assurance and enhancement are the responsibility of the QAECC, the responsibility to assure and enhance quality lies within individual program areas.
- Professor of individual subjects take on continuous improvement of the quality of learning, teaching and student experience. This is done through student feedback, peer observation, supervision of teaching faculty professional development and student support in the form of guidance and counseling. These are critical to maintaining the high standards of outcomes expected of the Maldives Business College graduates.
- Those professors who are in charge of the administration of the program undertake to periodically review the curricular content of the program and make recommendations to the QAECC.
4. Monitoring and Review of Programs and Student Achievement
a. Internal Review Procedures
- A one-year Quality Cycle will be maintained by the Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Compliance Committee (QAECC).
- Each year the QAECC will conduct a peer review of teaching and learning in all the courses to ensure that students are enabled to achieve the required standards. The report will be presented for consideration by the QAECC.
- The peer review data are given to an external verifier from outside of the College who will visit the classrooms and meet with the faculty and students to discuss the courses and resources.
- Based on the report, each concerned faculty will write a one-page report addressing the main concerns identified in the review report. Good practice gleaned from the reports are then shared as examples.
- In addition, the College also monitors the effectiveness of its teaching and learning process through assessments and students’ feedback.
b. External Review Procedures
- An appropriately qualified external verifier is appointed to assess if standards set out in the specifications are being maintained. They do this by examining the assessment instruments, internal marking and peer reviews.
- The EV will produce a report to be presented to the QAECC on the attainment of learning outcomes given in the specifications and assessment methods.
- The QAECCC will review the EV reports and submit them to the Senate with recommendations which will take action to maintain and enhance quality.
c. Admission
- Minimum entry requirements
Admission plays an important role in quality assurance and enhancement. We follow the MQA regulations on admission. Students are screened to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements before they are accepted into a program of study. This process is carried out by the registrar with the help of the administration.
- Each applicant is required to submit copies of their qualifications together with their applications.
- The applications are processed by administrative staff and checked to ensure all the required documentation is there.
- The applications are then forwarded to the Registrar who makes a decision on whether to offer a place or not based on the applicant having met the minimum criteria set by the MQA.
- The Registrar then asks an administrative staff to write placement letters for applicants who meet the entry requirements.
- The concerned administrative staff then informs applicants whose applications were rejected due to not meeting the entry requirements as set by the MQA.
- The concerned administrative staff writes and prints the placement letters.
- The Registrar signs the placement letters and asks the administrative staff to scan and email them to the applicants or call the applicants to collect them personally.
- A fee schedule for the course is included with the Placement Letter.
- The applicants are given a deadline to enrol in the course and pay the fee.
- Alternative entry route
The applicants are allowed to join the programs through the alternative entry criteria as prescribed the MQA for various levels of MNQF qualifications.
d. Reviewing the Quality of Learning Opportunities
- Learning Resources
Computer labs, book collection and seminar rooms are all considered as essential to the learning and teaching process. Teachers must confirm that the resources they have are sufficient to deliver high quality teaching to students.
- Each student is given personal 24/7 access to the Perlego online library. It has over a million textbooks covering more than 900 separate disciplines.
- Students are given additional resources on the student web portal. These include presentations and book chapters.
- IT infrastructure for learning and teaching is maintained and supported by the College. The College strives to ensure that it has appropriate IT infrastructure to support teaching.
e. Reviewing Student Support
- Students are supported in their studies in a several ways. There is a short orientation program at the beginning of the module or course for all new students. Each new student is assigned a tutor who will stay with the student during the course of his/her studies and will act as the first advisor on a student’s studies. They provide extra support when students have more serious problems.
- Remedial academic measures available to students include instruction in academic English, in own subject areas and study skills and career guidance.
- Information on courses is published on the college website and student portal, including Student Handbook (which has information on the course, academic and other policies and procedures), attendance, assessments and feedback. The College communicates with students via its student portal, face-to-face, SMS and email.
- Information regarding the student’s progress, statement of results, statement of attendance and support services are made accessible to the students through student support center (my.businessCollege.mv).
- Information about College procedures and services relevant to students are available at the college website.
- The College will make reasonable adjustments where disabled people may experience a substantial disadvantage. They include conducting special assessments without compromising academic standards and based on supporting medical evidence.
- The College provides students with clear guidelines as to what constitutes plagiarism right from the beginning of their studies. A full explanation is included in the Student Handbook. All teachers reinforce this in these guidelines and require students to sign statements that the assessment work submitted is the student’s own.
- Students can use the complaints procedure and appeals procedures if they are required to withdraw from the College due to unsatisfactory academic performance.
f. Assessment
1. Assessment Policy
Maldives Business College is dedicated to providing students with quality business education. The College views assessment as a major factor in its quality assurance system and in ensuring that the standards of the College are met and maintained. The conduct of student assessment is a function of the Senate. The basic principles applied in student assessments are that:
- They should assess the learning outcomes specified in the module specification
- They should be rigorous and designed to support high standards
- The assessment process must be transparent
- The assessments must be equitable in both design and operation
- They must be valid and reliable
In accordance with these principles, the College will:
- Facilitate the maintenance of standards by ensuring that external scrutiny of its courses is undertaken through the appointment of external verifiers and consideration of their reports.
- Publish and regularly review procedures governing the conduct of assessments.
- Ensure that the criteria for the assessment of qualifications are kept under revision.
- Have in place procedures for the consideration of special assessment arrangements for reasons of disability or other special need.
- Have a proper mechanism for the resolution of complaints and appeals of an academic nature.
- Establish regulations and procedures for dealing with academic misconduct, specifically those concerning assessments.
- Encourage students to participate in the improvement of teaching and assessment practices by giving student feedback.
- Assessment Framework
The assessment framework brings together policies and processes related to assessment under the following areas:
- Assessment methods
- Marking and grades
- Award classifications
- Repeats
- Re-examination
- Attendance
- External examination
- Local assessments
- Assessment Methods
Designated assessors set assessments and designated internal verifiers scrutinize and approve them in accordance with assessment criteria. In setting assessments assessors will ensure that the assessments will assess the specified learning outcomes of the module as set out in the module specifications and how the opportunities for cheating may be limited.
There are three main forms of assessment carried out at the College. They are: assignments, supervised assessments or examinations and supervised projects.
- Examinations
- Conduct of examinations: All students sitting for examinations are required to observe the rules governing the conduct of examinations and the Administrative Order on the Conduct of Examinations read by the invigilator to the students before supervised assessments or examinations.
- Examination Offences: It is an examination offence to introduce into, or use in the examination room, unauthorized materials or aids, pass any information between one another, collude with another, copy from another student, or engage in any similar activity.
- Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s thought or words as the student’s own. Plagiarism is an examination offence. All work submitted as part of the requirements for any examination must therefore be expressed in the student’s own words.
- A suitable member of the staff will be appointed ass assessment officer. He/She is responsible for ensuring the proper conduct of the assessment. Supervisors and invigilators will also be appointed to supervise and invigilate during the assessments.
- Venue and time: The supervised assessments are conducted at a time specified by the College. Students will be notified of the venue and time in advance.
- Security of question papers: Question papers are prepared by persons designated by the College. The papers are prepared inside the College premises and stored electronically on its serves. Only authorized persons have access to them. The papers are printed or made available online to students at the time and venue specified above. Students will not have access to them prior to the assessments. Printed question papers are stored in safe lockers at the College. Only designated persons will have access to them. Past question papers may be made available to students for practice.
- Sealed packets of question papers will be opened in the presence of students and/or the questions made available on the student portal at the time of the assessments.
- Storage of answer scripts: Answer scripts will be stored in safe lockers at the College. Only designated persons will have access to them.
- Assessment room: The assessment room will be a well-lit, ventilated room with clock, desks and chairs for students and invigilators. There will be a distance of at least two feet between adjacent students.
- Assuring identity of candidates: All students will be required to bring his/her national ID card to verify his/her identity.
- After the assessment
- The answer scripts will be packed and labeled.
- A supervisor/invigilator will bring the answer scripts and question papers to the office and hand them over to the assessment officer.
- Assignments
- Assignments will assess the achievement of the learning objectives in a module. Once a student has completed an assignment he/she should attach a statement of authenticity to it and submit it from the student’s account on the student portal. Students should complete all the assignments for each module and pass them all to graduate. Each assignment will be marked by a suitable faculty member and given a grade at pass, merit or distinction.
- Assignment Submission: The following are the guidelines regarding submission of assignments:
- Assignment briefs will be given out to students within the first week of the start of the module. The brief would contain their assignment questions and all relevant information about assessment criteria and required evidence from the students.
- Every assignment has a due date and students are expected to submit their assignment within the due date. All assignments must be submitted through the student portal and no assignment will be accepted in hand under any circumstances. In the event a student fails to submit his/her assignment within the due date, it would be considered as a non-submission. Assignment deadlines may be extended based on valid reasons. Valid reasons include medical leave and personal emergencies.
- An assignment may be submitted late. Each late submission will incur additional assessment and administrative fees.
- All assignments must be submitted with the relevant cover page after being duly filled out by the students. Assignments without the appropriate cover page will be rejected.
- All assignments must be properly referenced and must have sources acknowledged through the Harvard referencing system.
- All assignments would be issued with a content limit as per industry practice. Students are expected to adhere to the content limit and prepare their assignment within the limit. Assignments that exceed the content limit may be rejected.
- PowerPoint presentations will be assessed directly by the faculty during presentation and they must also be submitted through the student portal within the due date. Any student who does not turn up for the presentation on the specified date and time would be marked as absent and no further extensions would be given to present.
- Prevention of plagiarism in assignments: Maldives Business College is strictly against plagiarism of any kind. The following procedures will be adhered to in order to ensure that plagiarism is kept under control.
- Clear expectations: Parts of the assignment briefs will be clearly marked as:
- Individual: where no collaboration is allowed
- Collaboration: where collaboration with another student in the course is allowed or mandated
- Clearly specified components of the assignment:
- Expected sources: expected sources for the assignment are clearly stated (e.g. 3 books, 2 journals, personal interview, personally conducted survey)
- Use of recent sources: Use of at least one source published within the past year will be made mandatory.
- Statement of authenticity: Students will be required to sign a statement of authenticity for their assignments.
- Penalty: Any assignment which is found to be the product of plagiarism will get disqualified.
- Detection of plagiarism:
Detection of plagiarism will be done using some or all of the following methods.
- Checking of student assignments against writing in supervised assessments: In suspicious cases student assignments will be checked against the writing in the supervised assessments for similarity in style of writing, similarity of grammatical errors and range of vocabulary.
- Detecting using search engines: Assignments suspected of plagiarism will be checked via exact phrase searches in Google or other meta-search engines using phrases that appear to be unique to a particular assignment.
- Supervised project/research project: The assessment will follow the process described below:
- The professor will hold preliminary discussions with individual students to clarify the research scope, research aim(s), research objectives and the research question.
- Students will, under continuous supervision, prepare, present and submit for approval:
- a literature review of all relevant academic literature associated with the topic of their research
- a research methodology and research instrument
- Collect data and revert back to the supervisor for approval of collected data
- Analyze the data (qualitative and quantitative), discuss the evidence and draw inferences
- Submit the research work for final assessment and evaluation
- Marking and Grades
- All assessments for all the programs must be marked and given grades according to the College specifications.
- The grade obtained for each program must be based on the overall performance in all the assessments carried out.
- As most assessments in the College are carried out to assess the fulfillment of the learning criteria contained in the syllabus, students will normally obtain a grade for each course.
- The usual grades awarded for a course are Pass, Merit, Distinction and High Distinction. The grades obtained for a set of courses awarded in the courses may be added up to produce a single grade for the program.
- Internal Verification of Assessments
In accordance with the principles given above, the College systematically evaluates its assessment practices and decisions and acts on the findings to ensure consistency and fairness. It is undertaken to ensure that assessment and grading is consistent across the program, assessment instruments are fit for purpose – i.e. they enable the student to produce evidence which meets the grading criteria, and that assessment decisions accurately judge student work (evidence) against the unit grading criteria. This is done through internal verification which involves two key processes – verification and standardization -and is carried out by one or more internal verifier. It consists of:
- The internal verification plan and call for submission of assessments.
- Minutes of internal verification meetings.
- The internal verifier’s comments and feedback given to professors and assessors.
- Any resulting action points and details of how these have been or will be addressed.
Furthermore, the College will:
- Maintain standards by ensuring external scrutiny of its courses by an external verifier and consideration of their reports.
- Publish and regularly review procedures governing the conduct of assessments.
- Ensure that the criteria for the assessment of qualifications are kept under revision.
- Have in place procedures for the consideration of special assessment arrangements for reasons of disability or other special need.
- Have a proper mechanism for the resolution of complaints and appeals of an academic nature.
- Establish regulations and procedures for dealing with academic misconduct.
- Encourage students to participate in the improvement of teaching and assessment practices by giving student feedback.
- Assessment Process
Designated assessors set assessments and designated internal verifiers scrutinize and approve them in accordance with assessment criteria. In setting assessments assessors will ensure that the assessments will assess the specified learning outcomes of the module as set out in the module specifications and how the opportunities for cheating may be limited.
There are three main forms of assessment carried out at the College. They are: controlled assessments, assignments and supervised projects.
- Controlled Assessments
Controlled assessments will contribute the other 50% of the assessments in each module. These will take the form of traditional written tests, quizzes, written and oral examinations and supervised projects.
- Written tests, quizzes and examinations
The following regulations will be followed in conducting the controlled assessments.
- Validity of assessments
The assessment papers will be reviewed by a member of the faculty and necessary changes made to ensure validity before being administered.
- Assessment officer and invigilators
A suitable member of the staff will be appointed as assessment officer. He is responsible for ensuring the proper conduct of the assessment. Invigilators will be appointed to invigilate during the assessments.
- Venue and time
Controlled assessments are conducted at a time specified by the College. Students will be notified of the venue and time in advance.
- Security of the assessments and question papers
Question papers are prepared by persons designated by the College. The papers are stored electronically on its serves. Only authorized persons have access to them. The papers are printed or made available online to students at the time and venue specified above. Students will not have access to them prior to the assessments.
- Storage of answer scripts
Answer scripts will be scanned and stored on our servers of which a backup is taken daily. Evaluated answer scripts will be scanned and returned to students accounts on the student portal.
- Assessment room
The assessment room will be a well-lit, ventilated room with clock and suitable furniture for students and invigilators. Students will be notified of proper conduct in the assessment room and consequences of misconduct.
- Assuring identity of candidates
All students will be required to bring his/her national ID card to verify his/her identity.
- Conduct of the assessments
Students sitting for examinations are required to observe the Administrative Order on the Conduct of Examinations read by an invigilator to the students before supervised assessments or examinations.
- Examination Offences
It is an offence to introduce into, or use in the examination room, unauthorized materials or aids, pass any information between one another, collude with another, copy from another student, or engage in any similar activity.
Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s thought or words as the student’s own
- After the assessment
The answer scripts will be packed and labeled.
An invigilator will bring the answer scripts and question papers to the office and hand them over to the assessment officer who will assign them for evaluation.
- Oral presentation
- Oral presentations will be assessed directly by a faculty during presentation.
- They must be submitted through the student portal within the due date. Any student who does not turn up for the presentation on the specified date and time would be marked as absent and further extensions to present may be denied.
- The student uses the prepared presentation file and presents a focused discussion on a selected topic.
- During the presentation, the assessor will probe the student to assess the student’s understanding and depth of knowledge.
- Oral examination (viva voce)
This may be a structured or unstructured (traditional) oral examination. It will be conducted by a member of the faculty (in a structured oral) or a team (e.g. unstructured oral for a research project) on one student at a time. The questions will be prepared in advance. The student will be assessed during the examination and a final evaluation will be made at the end.
- Supervised research project/project
The assessment will follow the process described below:
- The assessor will hold preliminary discussions with individual students to clarify the research scope, research aim(s), research objectives and the research question.
- Students will, under continuous supervision, prepare, present and submit for approval:
- a literature review of all relevant academic literature associated with the topic of their research
- a research methodology and research instrument
- Collect data and revert back to the supervisor for approval of collected data
- Analyse the data (qualitative and quantitative), discuss the evidence and draw inferences
- Submit the research work for final assessment and evaluation
- Examination Regulations for Face-to-Face Examinations
- Examination Regulations
The following regulations will be followed in conducting face-to-face examinations.
- Assessment officer, supervisors and invigilators
A suitable member of the staff will be appointed ass assessment officer. They are responsible for ensuring the proper conduct of the assessment. Supervisors and invigilators will also be appointed to supervise and invigilate during the assessments.
- Venue and time
The supervised assessments are conducted at a time specified by the Maldives Business College. Students will be notified of the venue and time in advance.
- Security of the assessments and question papers
Question papers are prepared by persons designated by the Maldives Business College. The papers are prepared inside the College premises and stored electronically on its serves. Only authorized persons have access to them. The papers are printed or made available online to students at the time and venue specified above. Students will not have access to them prior to the assessments. Printed question papers are stored in safe lockers at Maldives Business College. Only designated persons will have access to them. Past question papers may be made available to students for practice.
Sealed packets of question papers will be opened in the presence of students and/or the questions made available on the web portal at the time of the assessments.
- Storage of answer scripts
Answer scripts will be stored in safe lockers at Maldives Business College. Only designated persons will have access to them.
- Assessment room
The assessment room will be a well-lit, ventilated room with clock, desks and chairs for students and invigilators. There will be a distance of at least two feet between adjacent students.
- Assuring identity of candidates
All students will be required to bring his/her national ID card to verify his/her identity.
- After the assessment
- The answer scripts will be packed and labeled.
- A supervisor/invigilator will bring the answer scripts and question papers to the office and hand them over to the assessment officer.
- Examination Offences
It is an examination offence to introduce into, or use in the examination room, unauthorized materials or aids. Any such materials or aids in possession of a student on entry to the examination room must be deposited immediately with the Invigilator before the examinations starts. Any unauthorized materials and aids brought into the examination room and not deposited with the Invigilator must be surrendered to the Invigilator on request. Any materials or aids so surrendered may be handed over by the Invigilator to the College which may make copies of them. The original materials or aids (together with all copies) may be retained by the College at its absolute discretion.
Students must not pass any information from one to another during an examination of a written paper. A student may not act in collusion with another student or any other person, nor copy from another student, nor engage in any similar activity. Any of these activities constitutes an examination offence.
Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s thought or words as if they were the student’s own. Plagiarism is an examination offence. All work submitted as part of the requirements for any examination must therefore be expressed in the student’s own words and incorporate his/her own ideas and judgments. Direct quotations from the published or unpublished work of another must always be clearly identified as such and a full reference to the source must be provided in the proper.
- Examination Rules
All students sitting for examinations are required to comply with these rules. If you violate any of these rules, you will be disqualified.
- Do not talk, communicate to, borrow anything from or lend to any other students and do not engage in any activity deemed by the invigilator to be disruptive or unauthorized.
- Have your smart phones, smart watches or other electronic devices TURNED OFF. You must not turn them on in the examination hall.
- Do not bring any blank paper, notebooks, notes, textbooks or reference books, water or drink bottles, drinks or food of any sort, writing on your body, or any materials deemed unauthorized by the invigilator. You are allowed to bring a non-programmable calculator if the invigilator deems it to be required.
- Examination Regulations for Live-Proctored Online Examinations
Our live-proctored online examinations are conducted in an environment that ensures high standards by (1) verifying test taker identity, (2) invigilating, (3) prohibiting unauthorized material during examinations, (4) prohibiting unauthorized behavior during examinations, (4) recording each examination session for later viewing by the college and MQA, and (5) auditing it and flagging violation so the college can take appropriate action.
- Examination Regulations
The following regulations will be followed in conducting online-examinations.
- Assessment officer, supervisors and invigilators
A suitable member of the staff will be appointed ass assessment officer. They are responsible for ensuring the proper conduct of the assessment. Supervisors and invigilators will also be appointed to supervise and invigilate during the assessments.
- Time
The supervised assessments are conducted at a time specified by the Maldives Business College. Students will be notified of time in advance.
- Security of the assessments and question papers
Question papers are prepared by persons designated by the Maldives Business College. The papers are prepared inside the College premises and stored electronically on its serves. Only authorized persons have access to them.
The papers are typed on the student portal one week prior to the date of the examination by persons authorized to do so. The papers are made available to the students at the time of the examination using the functions available on the student portal.
- Storage of answer scripts
Answer scripts are stored safely on the student portal and teachers will be able to mark them on screen. Where there are choice questions, the papers are marked by the system on the student portal itself.
- Assuring identity of candidates
All students are required to login using their personal login credentials to the student portal and their webcam feed is assessed to ensure the identity of the test taker.
- Examination Offences
It is an examination offence to introduce into, or use in the examination, unauthorized materials or aids.
A student may not act in collusion with another student or any other person, nor copy from another student, nor engage in any similar activity. Any of these activities constitutes an examination offence.
Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s thought or words as if they were the student’s own. Plagiarism is an examination offence. All work submitted as part of the requirements for any examination must therefore be expressed in the student’s own words and incorporate his/her own ideas and judgments. Direct quotations from the published or unpublished work of another must always be clearly identified as such and a full reference to the source must be provided in the proper.
- Examination Rules
All students sitting for examinations are required to comply with these rules. If you violate any of these rules, you will be disqualified.
- Do not engage in any activity which may be deemed to be cheating.
- Do not communicate with any other student or any other person during the examination.
- Do not engage in any activity deemed by the invigilator to be disruptive or unauthorized.
- Do not use any electronic device including other computers, laptops and phones other than the computer on which you are doing the examination.
- You must not read any textbooks, articles, websites or any material which may aid in your examination.
- You are allowed to bring a non-programmable calculator if the invigilator deems it to be required.
- Monitoring During the Examination
During examination, each student will be monitored live through the use of a webcam and microphone and ensure that students don’t cheat. Proctors are appointed by the College and they will report any malpractice or suspicion of malpractice to the concerned authority.
- Auditing
The College has auditors who audit the conduct of each examination. These auditors are experienced examination officers and act as a second layer of quality assurance. All exams are audited. This ensures a high level of accuracy, compliance and accountability.
Auditors review the video recording of each examination and compare notes with the proctor. Once the auditor is satisfied that everything has been noted and flagged appropriately, the marking process starts.
- Flagging
Proctors flag inappropriate and suspicious behavior by writing down the time of the behavior and the concerned student and report it to the auditors.
- Assignments
Assignments are a major part of our assessments in each module. Once a student has completed an assignment, he/she should attach a statement of authenticity to it and submit it to the College. Students should complete all the assignments for each module and pass them all to graduate. Each assignment will be marked by a suitable faculty member and given a grade at pass, merit or distinction.
- Assignment submission
Assignments will assess the achievement of the learning objectives in a module. Once a student has completed an assignment he/she should attach a statement of authenticity to it and submit it from the student’s account on the student portal. Students should complete all the assignments for each module and pass them all to graduate. Each assignment will be marked by a suitable faculty member and given a grade at pass, merit or distinction.
The following are the guidelines regarding submission of assignments:
- Assignment briefs will be given out to students within the first week of the start of each module in each semester. The brief would contain assignment criteria and required evidences.
- Every assignment has a due date and students are expected to submit their assignment within the due date. All assignments must be submitted through the student portal and no assignment will be accepted in hand. In the event a student fails to submit his/her assignment within the due date, it would be considered as a non-submission.
- Assignment submission extension may be granted to the individual student based on valid reasons and provided that the student has submitted the assignment extension form. Valid reasons include medical leave and personal emergencies.
- An assignment may be submitted late. Each late submission will incur additional fees of MVR 250.
- All assignments must be submitted with the relevant cover page after being duly filled out by the students. Assignments without the appropriate cover page will be rejected and must be resubmitted with the additional fee of MVR 100 after attaching relevant cover page.
- All assignments must be properly referenced and must have sources acknowledged through the Harvard referencing system.
- All assignments would be issued with a content limit. Students are expected to adhere to the content limit and prepare their assignment within the limit. Assignments that exceed the content limit may be rejected.
- Prevention of plagiarism in assignments
Maldives Business College is strictly against plagiarism of any kind. The following procedures will be adhered to in order to ensure that plagiarism is kept under control.
- Clear expectations: Parts of the assignment briefs will be clearly marked as:
- Individual: where no collaboration is allowed
- Collaboration: where collaboration with another student in the course is allowed or mandated.
- Clearly specified components of the assignment:
- Expected sources: expected sources for the assignment are clearly stated (e.g. 2 books, 2 journals, personal interview, personally conducted survey)
- Statement of authenticity: Students will be required to sign a statement of authenticity for their assignments.
- Penalty: Any assignment which is found to be the product of plagiarism will get disqualified.
- Detection of plagiarism
- Checking of student assignments against writing sample: In suspicious cases student assignments will be checked against the writing in the supervised assessments for
- Similarity in style of writing
- Similarity of grammatical errors
- Range of vocabulary
- Detecting using search engines: Assignments suspected of plagiarism will be checked via exact phrase searches in Google or other meta-search engines using phrases that appear to be unique to a particular assignment.
- Detecting using Plagiarism detecting applications: Assignments submitted for the evaluation are detected through the dedicated Plagiarism detecting application integrated with the submission links on the student portal through which students also can generate plagiarism report and can amend the assignment before final submission.
- Results
Grades earned for each individual module will be notified to the students within 20 working days from the date of final assessment/examination.
- Re-scrutiny
Students may apply to recheck their results. Under the recheck, the college will recheck the totaling mistake if any in the assessment. Re-evaluation of the assessment/examination will not be considered under re-scrutiny.
- Enquiries upon results
Results will be released to the students or to those who have the written permission of the students.
- Repeat attempts
A student may retake an assessment at most three times in order to obtain a pass or higher grade.
- Academic misconduct
Academic misconduct is conduct that undermines the academic integrity of the awards made by the College and includes plagiarism, collusion and falsification.
- Informing students to avoid academic misconduct: All students will be informed of what constitutes academic misconduct and the penalties for them in the Student Handbook which is published on the student portal.
- Forms of academic misconduct
- Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the attempt to fulfill an academic requirement by using the ideas, words or work of another person and representing them as one’s own. Academic conventions dictate that students and scholars must acknowledge the source of phrases and ideas that are not their own. Many ideas and phrases are so familiar that they have become the common property of all; these obviously require no documentation. However, the use of ideas or phrases [or entire works] that are clearly original with another author requires that the appropriate credit be given to the original author.
A student shall not plagiarize any idea, writing, data or invention belonging to another person. For the purpose of this rule, plagiarism includes:
- Using another writer’s words without proper citation.
- Using another writer’s ideas without proper citation.
- Citing the source but reproducing the exact words of a printed source without quotation marks.
- Borrowing the structure of another author’s phrases or sentences without crediting the author.
- Borrowing all or part of another student’s paper or using someone else’s outline to write own paper.
- Using a paper writing “service” or translating the writing or creation of another person from one language to another.
- Collusion
Collusion is the unauthorized collaboration of students in a piece of work that is submitted individually as one’s own.
- Falsification
Falsification includes falsifying a College document and providing false information during the admission process.
- Impersonation:
Impersonation is presenting work for another student pretending to be that student or letting someone else do this for you.
- Fabrication of evidence.
- Refusal to follow the instructions in examinations or assessments.
- Misuse of the material provided for assessment or examination.
- Using unauthorized material and exchange of unauthorized communication in examinations and assessments.
- Cheating to gain an unfair advantage.
- Investigation of allegations of malpractice
The College will appoint a member of the faculty to investigate any such allegations. The process involves the following:
- The facts relating to the allegation will be established in order to decide if malpractice has occurred, such as:
- The authenticity of assignments or answer scripts.
- Whether or not the student is still studying towards the qualification after obtaining the certificate.
- Whether or falsified records were used to obtain the certificate.
- A course of action, including remedial and punitive action against the parties involved, will be decided upon and implemented.
- A report will be submitted to the Senate once the investigations have been completed, giving in details of the evidence, conclusions, and recommendations.
- Reporting academic misconduct
Academic misconduct is reported in the College as follows:
- The assessor (or staff member) will formally inquire from the student within one week of the discovery of the misconduct.
- The assessor will write a report outlining the violation, the inquiry conducted and the recommended sanction(s).
- The report will be provided to the student.
- Penalty for academic misconduct
- If the case of misconduct is serious, the student will receive a fail grade in the module. In less serious cases the student(s) involved may be given a warning.
- The student(s) will be allowed to appeal.
- The report will be sent to the President who will work with the faculty member to determine the penalty for each case of misconduct.
- Marking and Grades
- All assessments are marked and given grades according to the specifications.
- Except in courses that require a final external examination, the grade obtained for each course must be based on the overall performance in all the assessments carried out.
- As most assessments in the College are carried out to assess the fulfillment of the learning criteria students will normally obtain a grade for each module. The usual grades awarded for a module are Pass, Merit and Distinction and High Distinction. The grades obtained for a set of modules awarded the above grade in a qualification may be added up to produce a single grade for a qualification.
- Award Classifications
Grades awarded to qualifications awarded by the College are as follows.
Percentage Score | Letter Grade | Standing |
75-100 | A | Distinction |
65-74 | B | Merit |
40-64 | C | Pass |
0-39 | F | Failed |
W | Course Dropped/ Withdrawn | |
I | Incomplete | |
CT | Credit Transfer | |
EX | Exemption |
I (Incomplete)
For incomplete assessments within a course. The student must complete all requirements within the specified time. If the student fails to do so, the grade ‘I’ may be converted to an ‘F’.
W (Course Dropped/Withdrawn)
For courses dropped.
CT (Credit Transfer)
Students who are given credit transfer for courses and/or work completed elsewhere will be given a grade of ‘CT’.
EX (Exemption)
Students who are given exemptions from taking certain required courses will be given a grade of ‘EX’.
- Repeats
A student who fails a module/subject may repeat twice till he passes it.
K. Re-Examination and Re-Submission of Assignments
A student who fails an examination or an assignment may re-sit it two times until to pass it or get a better grade. Each resubmission, re-examinations or re-presentation will be charged administrative and assessment fees as specified in the Redo & Late Submission Policy which is available on the College website.
A student may resubmit or re-sit an assessment at the discretion of the Assessment Board.
L. Attendance
Students must adhere to the respective course policy on attendance requirement which is 80% as stipulated by the MQA.
M. Appeal Procedure
a. Period for Appeal
Students may appeal with valid reasons and evidences for a re-check of a course marks/grades in writing within one month after the mark/grade is awarded. No charge is levied for processing appeals.
b. Appeal Process
Upon receipt of the appeal letter, the President will form a panel of examiners consisting of the course instructors, and at least one other course instructor in similar or related area, to evaluate the assessment. The grade awarded by the panel, after being endorsed by the Senate, shall be conveyed to the student and recorded in the student’s transcript. The decision made by the Senate is final and no further appeal will be allowed.
N. Deferment of Course
A student may defer joining a course after he/she has been given a place after informing the College and duly filling the deferment form. The Deferment confirmation letter will be emailed to the student which confirms the deferment request approval by the College. A student can defer for maximum duration of one year at one time.
O. Change of Program
A student may change his/her course by enrolling in a different one after approval by the College. The request for change of course should be submitted to Registrar’s office by the student within the first month of joining the program.
P. Dismissal and Withdrawal from a Program
- Dismissal: A student may be dismissed from a course if:
- They fail more than 50% of the course that have been taught.
- They fail to maintain 80% attendance
- They fail to pay the school fees as stated in the fee schedule given
- They engage in serious academic misconduct
- Their conduct is harming other students’ learning or the school’s good standing in the community.
In all cases, the student will be informed without delay. In all cases the student may appeal.
- Withdrawal: A student may withdraw from a course at any time by submitting a Course Withdrawal Form to the school office. Any tuition fees paid will be reimbursed according to the fee refund policy (given below). A transcript will be issued if the student has paid all their fees.
Q. Refund Policy
Any fees paid will be reimbursed according to the following table, regardless of attendance and use.
Fee | Course withdrawal application submitted | Amount of the fee reimbursed |
1. Course fee | 0 – 1 week after payment | 50% |
2. Other one-time fees | NIL | |
Advance tuition fee payments | Not Applicable | Reimbursed in full after deducting for installments up to the time when the withdrawal application was submitted |
- Students wishing for a reimbursement first submit a course withdrawal form to the office.
- Any refunds will take minimum 30 days to process.
J. Graduation
To be eligible for an award of the College, a student:
- Must have been registered for the relevant course of study, complied with the regulations in all aspects and have made satisfactory payment to the College of all due fees.
- Must pass and complete all courses and requirements.
- Must have attained at least 80% attendance.
The College reserves the right not to make the award to, or to publish the examination results of students who fail to satisfy any of the above conditions.
The award may be conferred in the annual commencement or without a ceremony. The date of the award to successful students will be the School’s commencement date if a commencement date has been set for that year of study.
Every student must apply to graduate in order to receive their award in the annual commencement ceremony. The application form will be made available on the College website.
5. Staff Development
The College’s staff are expected to perform to high standards and to contribute towards the effective management of the College. This is facilitated by the College by giving staff development opportunities for all staff and by encouraging staff to take responsibility for their own development. It conducts workshops that support the development of the members of the faculty.
Contracts for newly appointed teachers also emphasize the College’s commitment to staff development and highlight opportunities for the with regard to learning and teaching.
For those in administration, there is an alternative staff development program that teaches how to support learning and teaching programs.
Staff with educational development expertise will be utilized to teach on these workshops and work with individuals and groups on improving learning and teaching.
6. Maintenance and Enhancement of Quality and Standards
The Senate regularly reviews quantitative data on student achievement. These include attendance rates, assignment submission rates and module and course completion rates.
Qualitative feedback will be sought through the student evaluation form, the reports of student representatives to the Senate, through external verifier reports, accreditation reports from the Maldives Qualifications Authority and through internal review processes. These are the primary means by which good and poor practice in teaching and learning are identified at College level. The report which is submitted to the Senate after each QAECC report of the College’s learning and teaching highlights any examples of good practice that will benefit the College. Examples of good and poor practice noted in the QAECC reports will be circulated to all member of the faculty.
7. Mechanism for Feedback about Programs
Feedback is essential for maintaining the quality of the program. The school has a mechanism for obtaining feedback on its programs. The results of the evaluations will be used in the following manner to maintain and enhance the quality of the programs:
- Issues requiring immediate resolution will be put to the President who will then take appropriate action.
- The results will be incorporated into the professor’s professional development plan and the college’s annual self-evaluation and annual plan
- The results will also be incorporated into the College’s annual self-evaluation and annual plan.
Section 6 below describes how feedback about courses will be obtained.
8. Faculty Performance Evaluation Process
The evaluation of teaching performance is of important for assuring and enhancing quality of our education provision. The following outlines the criteria used for the performance assessment and describes what should be assessed.
Performance evaluation is an assessment of a teacher’s professional competency in teaching and as a contributor to institutional goals. It provides developmental guidance and direction to facilitate the professional development of the teaching staff.
1. Evaluation Components
- Self-evaluation
Self-evaluation will assess the professor’s knowledge and competencies in order to establish depth and breadth of knowledge and developmental goals, and develop plans for improvement.
This will evaluate the professor’s effectiveness in the following areas based on the current professional development plan.
- Planning: schemes of work, making presentations, classroom activities, assessments
- Teaching: Orderly and effective delivery of content, class engagement, interaction with students
- Assessment:
- Preparing assessment briefs according to the College’s academic standards and learning outcomes and assessment criteria
- Preparing assessment evaluation rubrics
- Tutoring students on assessment activities
- Marking and grading assessment activities and giving feedback to students on assessment activities as per the College’s marking window.
- Student Evaluation
The student evaluation will provide student perceptions of a professor’s effectiveness in teaching and enhancing student learning.
- Frequency: Twice during each academic year for all the programs.
- Type of evaluation: questionnaire
- Analysis of the questionnaires: thematic analysis
- Follow-up: the program coordinator or a faculty member appointed by the College will share a summary of the evaluation with the concerned professor and give suggestions for improvement. Any improvements will be noted during the next evaluation.
- External Supervisor Evaluation
An external supervisor will observe and give feedback to each professor once during a program or every six months. The observations and feedback will then be used by the professor for professional development and improvement.
- Annual Administrative Evaluation
The administrative evaluation will provide the teachers with information from a supervisory perspective. It will combine information from relevant parts of the evaluation process and help in the development and implementation of an individual faculty member’s professional development plan.
- Evaluation Process
- Annual Administrative Evaluation
The administrative evaluation of professional competency will occur periodically during the course of teaching. All teachers will complete an annual performance evaluation based on:
- Self-evaluation
- Student evaluation of each course taught
- Classroom observation by a peer or external supervisor once during a module
- Administrative assessment of overall teacher performance based on job description
- Performance Evaluation
The performance evaluation process comprises of a self-evaluation by the teacher and an annual administrative evaluation followed by a Professional Development Plan. The President will complete the Annual Performance Evaluation. The original will be filed in the teacher’s personnel file.
- Professional Development Plan
The President will join with teachers to produce a Professional Development Plan for the next academic year taking account of specific areas of teaching and student learning that need to be addressed, the professional development of the individual faculty member and organizational goals of the College.
Professor Appraisal Form
(Student Evaluation)
Would you like to help us maintain and improve the quality of our teaching by giving feedback on your classes? Then complete this questionnaire and return it to the College office. Thank you.
- Professor’s Name: ………………………………………………………………
- Title of Course: ……………………………………………………………….
- How many lectures have you attended in this series so far? ……………………………
Do you intend to go to the rest of them? Yes / No / Series Finished
- Did you find the content: (Please select appropriate number.)
Too basic 1 2 3 4 5 Too complex
Too general 1 2 3 4 5 Too specific
Well organized 1 2 3 4 5 Poorly organized
Easy to follow 1 2 3 4 5 Hard to follow
Assumed too little 1 2 3 4 5 Assumed too much
- Did you find the lecturer’s delivery: (Please select appropriate number.)
Too slow 1 2 3 4 5 Too fast
Too quiet 1 2 3 4 5 Too loud
Halting 1 2 3 4 5 Smooth
Monotonous 1 2 3 4 5 Lively
Other comments on the delivery:
- Was a satisfactory reading list provided? Yes / No
How might it be improved?
- Did the College arrange adequate supervisions for this course? Yes / No
If no, please explain.
- Apart from the recommendations suggested by your answers above, how else might these lectures be improved? Do any specific lectures in this series require attention? (Continue overleaf if necessary.)
Professor In-Class Appraisal
The Evaluator conducting the in-class appraisal is required to:
- Ensure all professors have received a copy of the in-class appraisal for the course.
- Notify the professor that an in-class appraisal will be conducted during the teaching of the module/subject.
The Evaluator conducting the in-class appraisal is required to:
- Monitor the trainer during a lesson and mark off observations on the checklist below.
- Record any issues arising from the ratings in the comments section.
- At the completion of the appraisal, document any issues, agreed objectives, responsibilities/assistance to be provided and dates for completion in the Professional Development Action Plan section of the appraisal form.
- To ensure the appraisal forms have been initialed and signed where requested.
- Provide a completed copy to the employee and the original to Management for filing and review.
The evaluator is required to use the following ratings against each observation:
1 – Observed & excelled: The evaluator observed the skill performed at an above satisfactory level
2 – Observed: The evaluator observed the skill
3 – Observed and Improvement required: The evaluator observed the skill. However, the skill needs further development.
4 – Not yet observed: Skill not yet observed.
The rating system is used by way of ticking the appropriate box.
Professor’s Name: ………………………………………………………….
Module Name: ………………………………………………………………
No. of students in class: ……………….
Evaluator conducting the appraisal: …………………………………………………………….
Date of appraisal: …………………….
Insert image of table
Self-Evaluation of Performance
(To be completed annually by each faculty member.)
Professor Name: ___________________________________ Academic Year: _________
Please complete this self-evaluation form based on the current year Professional Development Plan.
- Effective Teaching and Student Learning
- Service to the College
- Educational LeadershipProfessor’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________
Annual Performance Evaluation
(To be completed by the President as part of the Quality Cycle.)
Professor’s Name: __________________________________ Academic Year: __________
President’s Comments:
- Effective Teaching and Student Learning
- Service to the College
- Educational Leadership
- Summary/Conclusions [include recommendation for continuous appointment]Faculty Comments [if desired]
President’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: ________
Professor’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: _________
Professional Development Plan [PDP] for Full-time Faculty
(To be completed annually by each faculty member.)
Professor’s Name: ______________________________ Academic Year: __________
During the evaluation conference, the dean and faculty member jointly shall compose a Professional Development Plan [PDP] for the next academic year taking into consideration specific areas of instructional performance that may need attention, the professional development of the individual, and institutional goals.
PDP for the Nest Academic Year
[To be completed as a draft by the faculty member before the conference with the Head of Academic, and then finalized during that meeting.]
- Effective Teaching and Student Learning
- Service to the College
- Educational Leadership
- Professional Assignment for the Next Academic Year ______
- Narrative of the teaching assignment and other activities [e.g., overloads, course development, program/curriculum revision, technology innovation]
Professor: __________________________________ Date: _____________
President: ___________________________________Date: _____________
Faculty/HOA Comments [if desired]
Sample Indicators of Professional Performance for Full-time Faculty
(To aid administrative and self-evaluation.)
The faculty is expected to provide an effective teaching environment that is conducive to student learning. The classroom and coursework should contain elements that recognize and enhance components of the learning process, employ effective delivery of instructional materials, and are responsive to the personal and professional needs of students.
A. Learning Process
Examples of strengths:
- Use a variety of modalities to promote authentic learning
- Introduce and reinforce life-long learning skills
- Recognize and apply proper classroom pacing
- Provide course materials that are clear, consistent, and current
- Create a positive classroom climate that facilitates student learning
- Incorporate student retention activities as a component of course structure
- Assess student learning outcomes
B. Instructional Delivery
Examples of strengths:
- Develop presentations that are enthusiastic, stimulating, thought provoking, and engaging to students
- Consider student readiness and learning comprehension in coursework
- Accommodate diversity of learning styles and limitations
- Incorporate group-learning activities
- Use a variety of learning strategies and presentational styles
- Employ current instructional technology
- Incorporate instructional design skills in
- Preparing evaluation instruments
- Organizing the course
- Updating and infusing change in the course
- Maintaining appropriate records [e.g., track attendance, review class timetable, timely submission of grades]
- Manage laboratories and classrooms by ordering and maintaining appropriate equipment and supplies
- Use extended classroom activities such as field trips, etc.
- Manage external sites such as apprenticeships, etc.
The faculty should be engaged actively in processes that promote outstanding programs designed for student success. These areas include student-centered scheduling and management of resources.
A. Course Delivery
Examples of strengths:
- Work with others to avoid schedule conflicts
- Make data-driven decisions
- Be student-centered in decisions to accommodate student needs
- Support a healthy learning environment
- Schedule courses so students can complete their programs in a timely fashion
- Advocate scheduling guarantees
- Teach at nontraditional times, days, and sites
B. Augmenting Resources
Examples of strengths:
- Seek equipment and support materials
- Use external personnel such as a guest lecturer
- Obtain materials by loan and lending
C. Resource Management
Examples of strengths:
- Work with others to manage the budget and use funds effectively
- Work with off-site contacts to coordinate student opportunities apprenticeships
D. Service to Students
Examples of strengths:
- Promote student accountability and preparedness
- Be accessible to students
- Conduct student-teacher conferences
- Schedule additional student-teacher sessions as needed
- Identify and follow up with students on personal issues, making referrals as necessary
- Serve as a role model in professional conduct, enthusiasm, and positive attitude
- Promote long-range career and educational planning
- Advise students
E. Committee Work
Examples of strengths:
- Serve as a committee chair
- Participate in committees as a member or resource
F. Teamwork within the College
Examples of strengths:
- Chair or participate in search committees
- Participate in College-wide committees as a member or resource
G. Recruitment and Retention
Examples of strengths:
- Participate in calling advertising campaigns
- Organize seminars for visiting students
- Open classes to prospective students
- Sponsor activities such as entrepreneurship fairs, business plan writing competitions
- Recruit students by writing letters and hosting on-site visit opportunities
- Make visits to primary and secondary Colleges
- Participate in retention activities by calling or contacting at-risk students
- Offer alternative scheduling [e.g., late-start classes]
H. Active Citizen of the College
Examples of strengths:
- Recognize and support needs and resources outside the respective discipline
- Participate in the development of College-wide goals and objectives
- Attend and support voluntary College activities
- Sponsorship of student clubs
The faculty is expected to participate in activities that provide professional growth and expertise. Institutional support will be given as possible for activities aligned with the College’s mission and goals. The faculty may demonstrate professional development through activities that maintain currency in their discipline, continuing education, scholarly activity, and organizational memberships.
A. Personal Advancement in the Discipline
Examples of strengths:
- Read literature within the field
- Review and use current texts
- Attend and present internally or externally
- Network with colleagues and professional organizations
- Be a practitioner
- Demonstrate knowledge of resources
- Conduct classes that reflect current pedagogical practices
- Assess student learning and curriculum outcomes
- Visit businesses
B. Structured Educational Activities
Examples of strengths:
- Attend workshops or related to the discipline
- Participate in upgrading technical skills [e.g. computer training]
C. Scholarly Activity
Examples of strengths:
- Demonstrate expertise in the discipline such as articles, performances, exhibits, etc.
- Research about effective teaching and student learning
- Serve as expert witness, content authority, adjudicator, etc.
- Write book reviews, review texts, etc.
- Build skills directed toward effective learning
D. Memberships
Examples of strengths:
- Active participation in professional groups or organizations
- Serve as an officer in a professional group or organization
- Represent the College in formal settings
- Transfer information to colleagues
1. Policy on Governance
- Purpose:
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Maldives Business College operates at the highest standards of quality, efficiency, transparency, and accountability, serving the best interests of our students, staff, and other stakeholders.
- Scope:
This policy covers all governance structures, policies and processes within the college, including the College Council, Senate, Standing Committees, senior management, and other related entities.
- Principles:
- Transparency: All governance decisions, processes, and outcomes should be transparent and accessible to relevant stakeholders.
- Accountability: Officers of the college are accountable for their decisions and actions.
- Efficiency: Governance processes should be efficient, without unnecessary bureaucracy.
- Stakeholder Involvement: Stakeholders, including students and staff, should be involved in governance processes where appropriate.
- Policy Elements:
- Continuous Monitoring:
- Regular reviews of governance practices to identify areas of improvement.
- Implementing metrics or indicators to evaluate governance effectiveness.
- Training:
- Regular training and development opportunities for the staff to ensure updated knowledge and best practices.
- Orientation sessions for new members of staff to familiarize them with our organizational structure, culture, and expectations.
- Feedback Mechanism:
- Regular opportunities for students and staff to provide feedback on governance practices.
- Anonymous feedback mechanisms to ensure unbiased and candid feedback.
- Transparent Reporting:
- Publication of minutes, decisions, and major developments in an accessible format to relevant stakeholders.
- An annual governance report detailing accomplishments, challenges, and future plans.
- Review and Update:
- A formal review of this policy every year to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.
- Ad hoc reviews in the event of significant changes in the external environment or internal organization.
- Implementation and Responsibilities:
5.1 The College Council is responsible for overseeing the implementation of this policy.
5.2 Standing committees and ad hoc committees (e.g., Quality Assurance and Compliance Committee) may be established or designated to ensure the successful implementation of various policy elements.
5.3 All members of governing bodies are responsible for adhering to this policy.
- Monitoring and Review:
6.1 An annual review of the policy’s effectiveness will be carried out by the Quality Assurance and Compliance Committee and the review report will be submitted to the College Council.
6.2 Stakeholders, including students and staff, will be consulted as part of the review.
- Related Documents:
- College Bylaws
- All policies and standard operation procedures
- Handbooks
- Strategic plan
- Action plan
- Self-Evaluation Report
- Institutional Audit Report by the MQA
- Annual Report to the MOHE
- Approval and Amendment History:
This policy is approved by the College Council on December 29th, 2023. Any amendments to the policy will be duly recorded with dates and details.
2. General Implementation Process
The following is the general implementation process for the Policy on Governance:
- Competent and Visionary Leadership: We will ensure that the well qualified, competent and visionary leaders at administrative and academic levels have the necessary skills and expertise requires for establishing and maintaining high standards of quality in the area of governance. The leadership will be held accountable for their actions and decisions while maintaining the highest level of integrity and values as put in place by the College. We will have a regular feedback and performance evaluation mechanism in place for regular update and evolution of the leadership.
- Clearly Defined Roles and Responsibilities: We will ensure that the roles and responsibilities of all the administrative and governing bodies as well as of the members who are the members of these bodies are clearly and precisely defined in order to avoid any ambiguity and to ensure accountability.
- Implementation of Strategic Planning and Evaluation: We will ensure that the College administrative and governing bodies put their best efforts in implementation of the strategic planning with properly defined long and medium terms goals and objectives, establishes priorities and milestones, and allocate the resources in the most effective and efficient manner. We will conduct regular evaluations to identify the effectiveness of the policy and to identify the areas of improvement. The evaluation collected will be submitted to College Council for deliberation and necessary actions.
- Governance Enhancement Plan: Upon the recommendations of the self-evaluation report, the College Council will draw up a Governance Enhancement Plan. This plan will be incorporated into the college strategic plan.
1. Policy on Administration and Management
- Purpose:
To ensure that we at the Maldives Business College execute our administration and management with the highest standards of quality, efficacy, transparency, and accountability, aligning with our mission and promoting the best interests of our students and staff.
- Scope:
This policy encompasses all administrative and managerial processes and functions within the college.
- Principles:
3.1. Transparency: Administrative and managerial operations are conducted in an open and clear manner.
3.2. Accountability: Every department and individual are answerable for their performance and decisions.
3.3. Efficiency: Streamlined processes to avoid unnecessary delays and bureaucracy.
3.4. Consistency: Uniformity in decision-making and operations across all functions.
3.5. Stakeholder Engagement: Active involvement of students and staff, ensuring their voices are heard and considered.
- Policy Elements:
- Continuous Improvement:
- Periodic evaluation of administrative and management practices.
- Implementation of feedback loops for regular improvements based on outcomes.
- Training & Development:
- Ongoing professional development for administrative and management staff.
- Periodic training sessions to update staff on best practices, policy changes, and institutional goals.
- Feedback Mechanism:
- Mechanisms for all stakeholders (students and staff) to provide feedback regarding administrative and managerial functions.
- Confidential channels for feedback to ensure unbiased inputs.
- Performance Metrics:
- Establishment of clear performance indicators to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative and managerial tasks.
- Regular reporting against these metrics.
- Documentation & Record Keeping:
- Maintaining clear and comprehensive records of all administrative and managerial decisions and processes.
- Utilizing digital platforms for easy retrieval and reference.
- Stakeholder Communication:
- Regular updates to the college community (students and staff) about relevant administrative decisions and changes.
- Channels for direct communication between the management, students and staff.
- Implementation and Responsibilities:
5.1 The College Council is tasked with the oversight of this policy’s implementation.
5.2 Function heads are responsible for the execution of the policy within their specific functions.
5.3 All staff under administration and management are obligated to adhere to this policy.
- Monitoring and Review:
6.1 An annual review will be conducted by the QAECC to gauge the policy’s effectiveness and the report of the review will be submitted to the College Council.
6.2 Consultations with students and staff, will be a part of the review process.
- Related Documents:
- College Bylaws
- All policies and standard operation procedures
- Handbooks
- Strategic plan
- Action plan
- Self-Evaluation Report
- Institutional Audit Report by the MQA
- Annual Report to the MOHE
- Approval and Amendment History:
This policy is ratified by the College Council on December 29, 2023. Any modifications to the policy will be recorded, detailing dates and specifics.
2. General Implementation Process
- Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Designated staff will be assigned with the responsibility continuously monitor and evaluate the process and mechanism will be put in place for regular that after the affairs of the administration and management in accordance with the strategic plan. Evaluation process will be in place to regular monitoring and evaluation to gauge the effectiveness of the policy against our set quality standards and to be reported to relevant college authorities.
- Transparent and Collaborative Decision making: The College will adopt and practice the transparent and collaborative decision-making process in all the areas of administration and management which includes the inputs from various related stakeholders including faculty, staff and students for effective decision making. Regular meetings will be conducted and forums and committees will be established to where different perspective can be heard and considered.
- Transparent Information: To accomplish our commitment towards the transparency, we will record and publish clear, accurate, up-to-date, accessible and objective based information about our activities, tasks and programs through various internal and external information dissemination tools. The information includes providing current and prospective students with relevant information but not limited to such as program offering, attendance records, progression records, teaching and learning reports, assessments results, fee structure, certification report, student services mechanism, entry criteria, as well as graduands list. We will also provide all the stakeholders with the related decisions relevant to the related stakeholders on timely basis with all the details and information.
- Self-Evaluation Report: We will conduct an annual self-evaluation of the policies, mechanisms, structures, resources, procedures and outcomes for the entire administration and management in place to identify the effectiveness and the areas of improvements required to support the achievement of our strategic objective and enhance our quality. The feedback will also be collected from the staff, faculty and students on regular basis to identify the effectiveness of the administration and management in place.
- Administration and Management Enhancement Plan: Upon the recommendations and findings of the self-evaluation report and with the feedback collected from the faculty, staff and students, the College Council will draw up an administration and management enhancement plan. The plan will be incorporated into the college strategic plan.
1. Policy on Student Services
- Purpose:
To ensure that the student services offered by Maldives Business College maintain the highest standards of quality, responsiveness, and inclusivity, fully supporting the holistic growth and well-being of every student.
- Scope:
This policy covers all student-related services including academic counseling, career services, health and wellness support, extracurricular activities, and any other support services provided.
- Principles:
3.1. Student-Centered: Services are designed and implemented with the primary focus on student needs and aspirations.
3.2. Accessibility: All services are accessible to every student, regardless of background, ability, or circumstance.
3.3. Confidentiality: Students’ personal and sensitive information is treated with utmost discretion.
3.4. Feedback-Driven: Continuous improvements in services based on regular feedback from students.
3.5. Professionalism: All services are rendered with integrity, respect, and competence.
- Policy Elements:
4.1. Service Standards:
- Establishing and communicating clear service standards for students’ services.
- Ensuring services are delivered promptly, professionally, and courteously.
4.2. Training & Development:
- Regular training sessions for staff to familiarize them with best practices, policy changes, and current student needs.
- Opportunities for professional growth ensuring staff stay updated and relevant in their respective service areas.
4.3. Feedback Mechanism:
- Anonymous surveys for students to provide input regarding the quality of services received.
- Regular forums or focus group discussions to understand students’ evolving needs.
4.4. Regular Audits:
- Periodic internal audits of students’ services to evaluate compliance with standards.
- External reviews as necessary to gain an objective perspective on service quality.
4.5. Inclusivity and Diversity:
- Measures to ensure all services are accessible and relevant to a diverse student population.
- Regular training on inclusivity for students’ services staff.
4.6. Digital Integration:
- Use of technology to enhance service delivery, ensuring services are accessible online where possible.
- Regular updates to digital platforms based on technological advancements and student feedback.
- Implementation and Responsibilities:
5.1. The Student Services Manager is primarily responsible for the policy’s implementation.
5.2. Each service functional head is accountable for ensuring adherence to the policy within their purview.
5.3. All student services staff members are expected to familiarize themselves with and uphold this policy.
- Monitoring and Review:
6.1. The Students Services Manager will conduct an annual review of the students services and submit a review report to the College Council assessing the policy’s effectiveness, incorporating feedback from both students and staff. This review report will be submitted to the College Council for deliberation.
6.2. The Students Services Manager will consult with the Student Union to get their feedback on the Students Services for the purpose of the annual review.
- Related Documents:
- Student Feedback forms on academic services
- Student Feedback forms on counselling services
- Student Feedback forms on administrative services
- Staff feedback forms on student’s services
- Approval and Amendment History:
This policy is ratified by the College Council on December 29, 2022. Modifications to the policy will be detailed with associated dates and specifics.
2. General Implementation Process
- Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: We will put in place a mechanism where relevant staffs will be assigned the responsibilities for regular and continuous monitoring and evaluation of the process and activities under the student services to ensure the highest level of support and assistance can be provided to the students and to also ensure that the quality standards established for support services are met and the areas of improvement are reported to relevant college authorities.
- Self-Evaluation: We will conduct regular and continuous on an annual basis self-evaluation of all the activities, resources, processes, procedures and policies of the entire support services to judge the effectiveness of the mechanism in place for support services. We will conduct and collect the feedback from all the relevant stakeholders including staff, students and faculty on annual basis to identify the areas for improvement in support services.
- External Verifier: External verifiers will be appointed by the college to check and validate our self-evaluation reports. The external verifiers will compose of the panel of external experts, a faculty and a student member. They will prepare and submit an External Verification report based on their observation from the self-evaluation report which will be submitted to the College Council for deliberation and action.
- Support Services Enhancement Plan: Based upon the recommendations and suggestion as provided in the self-evaluation report and external verifier report, the College Council will prepare and present a support services enhance plan which will be included and incorporated into the college strategic plan.
1. Policy on Physical and Technological Infrastructure
- Purpose:
To ensure that the physical and technological infrastructure of Maldives Business College is of the highest standard, secure, up-to-date, and conducive to fostering an optimal learning environment for students and a productive work environment for staff.
- Scope:
This policy covers all physical infrastructures such as classrooms and the library as well as technological infrastructure including computer labs and associated software, network facilities, online web applications such as the student portal, online library, students services portal and other digital tools.
- Principles:
3.1. Safety: All facilities and technologies are compliant with safety regulations and standards.
3.2. Accessibility: Infrastructure meets the needs of all users, including those with disabilities where possible.
3.3. Relevance: Technological infrastructure and physical spaces align with contemporary educational and operational needs.
- Policy Elements:
4.1. Maintenance and Upgrades:
- Regular maintenance schedules for all physical and technological infrastructures.
- Periodic upgrades of technological tools to remain current with industry standards.
4.2. Safety and Compliance:
- Routine safety audits and drills.
- Compliance with government regulations on infrastructure safety and quality.
4.3. Technology Procurement:
- A structured process for evaluating and procuring new technology, ensuring it is fit for purpose and offers value for money.
- Ensuring licensing and compliance in all software and digital tools acquisitions.
4.4. Training and Support:
- Regular training sessions for staff and students on the use of new technologies.
- Accessible support mechanisms for troubleshooting and assistance with technological tools.
4.5. Accessibility and Inclusivity:
- Infrastructure planning and upgrades consider the diverse needs of all users.
- Implementation of assistive technologies and physical facilities to cater to people with disabilities where possible.
4.6. Environmental Considerations:
- Use of energy-efficient technologies.
- Minimize the use of papers through using online platforms.
- Implementation and Responsibilities:
5.1. The Facilities and IT Manager is responsible for the oversight and implementation of this policy.
5.2. Department heads will ensure adherence to the policy within their specific service areas and report on compliance and issues.
5.3. All staff members involved in infrastructure decisions, management, or usage should be familiar with and uphold this policy.
- Monitoring and Review:
6.1. An annual review will be conducted by the Facilities and IT Manager to assess the policy’s effectiveness, taking into account user feedback and technological advancements. This review report will be submitted to the College Council for deliberation.
6.2. The Facilities and IT Manager will consult with the user groups to get their feedback on the physical and IT infrastructure for the purpose of the annual review.
- Related Documents:
- Regular maintenance schedules and safety schedules and logbooks for:
- classrooms and classroom cabins
- the physical library
- the premises
- the academic office
- the administrative office
- Regular maintenance schedules, upgrades schedules and security schedules and logbooks for:
- Student portal
- Student services portal
- Website
- Computers and networking software
- Safety audits for:
- Physical Classrooms
- Library
- Administrative office
- Academic office
- Premises
- Compliance with government regulations on:
- Physical Classrooms: desks, chairs, a computer, lighting, air conditioning, fans, projector and projector screen, WIFI with internet, fire extinguishers, fire exit signage and speakers
- Classroom Cabins for online teaching: air vent, desk, chair, lighting, computer, two monitors, noise-cancelling microphones, headphones, FHD 1080P webcam, smoke detectors, air conditioning and 100 Mbps wired internet connectivity.
- Facilities review report:
- Evaluate maintenance schedules and logbooks and write an annual report on the condition of the facilities and recommendations for upgrades, licensing and development.
- A formal request to the College Council for the procurement of the required upgrades, licensing and developments.
- Training schedules for new technology for:
- Students
- Administrative staff
- Academic staff
- Technological trouble shooting support guidelines.
- Annual infrastructure review report
- Guidelines on remote assistance to students to access the student portal, online classrooms, class recordings, online library, installation of safe exam browser and online student support center
- Environmentally Friendly guidelines:
- Procurement of energy-efficient equipment.
- Minimizing the use of paper
- Approval and Amendment History:
This policy is ratified by the College Council on December 29, 2023. Any amendments will be properly documented with relevant dates and details.
2. General Implementation Process
- Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Relevant staff members will be designated with the responsibilities for establishing and maintenance of the well-equipped and up-to-date facilities which are needed and required for meeting the technological needs for effective teaching practices which will be regularly monitored and evaluated to identify their relevance against our set quality standards and reported to the relevant college authorities.
- Self-Evaluation: We will conduct a regular and continuous self-evaluation of the systems, processes, practices, tools, physical infrastructure, online infrastructure, software, hardware and technologies every year in order identify the areas for improvement and update in the physical and technological infrastructure to identify the relevance and appropriateness of our strategic objectives and enhance our quality in physical and technological infrastructure.
- External Verification: We will appoint and employ a panel of external verifiers to evaluate and validate our self-evaluations who will provide us with recommendations and suggestions for the improvement and enhancement of our physical and technological infrastructure. Along with the panel of external verifiers, there will be Physical and IT resource manager who together will prepare and submit an External Verification Report to the College Council for deliberation and action.
- Physical and Technological Infrastructure Enhancement Plan: Upon the recommendations of the self-evaluation and external verification report, the College Council will draw up a Physical and Technological Infrastructure Enhancement Plan which will be incorporated into the college’s strategic plan.
1. Policy on Research
- Purpose:
To ensure that research undertaken at the Maldives Business College is undertaken according to the college’s Research Policy and upholds the highest standards of excellence, integrity, and ethics, promoting innovative, reliable, and impactful contributions to the academic community and society at large.
- Scope:
This policy applies to all research activities, projects, and publications initiated by faculty and students.
- Principles:
3.1. Ethical Conduct: All research endeavors should be based on principles of honesty, integrity, and social responsibility.
3.2. Rigor and Excellence: Ensuring methodological soundness, accuracy, and relevance in all research undertakings.
3.3. Transparency: Openness in research methodologies, findings, and potential conflicts of interest.
3.4. Collaboration: Promoting interdisciplinary research and partnerships with other institutions and industry.
- Policy Elements:
4.1. Ethical Approval and Appeal:
- Establishing and maintaining a Research Ethics Committee to review and approve research proposals, particularly those involving human and animal subjects.
- Researchers who are dissatisfied with the Research Ethics Committee may submit an appeal to the Research Appeals Committee. The decision of the Research Appeals Committee will be final and binding on related parties.
- Ensuring informed consent processes are rigorously followed where required.
4.2. Training and Development:
- Regular workshops and training sessions on research methodologies, ethics, tools, and best practices.
- Support for attending conferences, seminars, and courses that enhance research skills and knowledge.
4.3. Data Management:
- Ensuring secure and systematic storage of research data.
- Promoting open-access where appropriate while respecting intellectual property rights and confidentiality agreements.
4.4. Transparency and Disclosure:
- Mandating disclosure of potential conflicts of interest in research undertakings.
- Transparent reporting of methodologies, results, and interpretations.
4.5. Collaborative Research:
- Formulating guidelines for collaborative research partnerships, ensuring clarity in roles, contributions, and rights. These guidelines must be prepared before entering into any research collaboration.
- Supporting interdisciplinary research within the college.
- Implementation and Responsibilities:
5.1. The Research Ethics Committee is responsible for the oversight and implementation of this policy.
5.2. Individual researchers are accountable for ensuring their work aligns with this policy and associated guidelines.
- Monitoring and Review:
6.1. Annual reviews will evaluate the policy’s effectiveness, considering changes in the broader research landscape and feedback from the academic community.
6.2. Engage with both internal and external stakeholders for feedback and recommendations during review phases.
- Related Documents:
- Research Policy
- TOR for Research Ethics Committee
- TOR for Research Appeal Committee
- Approval and Amendment History:
This policy is ratified by the College Council on December 29, 2023. Amendments will be duly recorded with dates and specifics.
2. General Implementation Process
- Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Relevant faculty will be assigned roles and responsibilities for regular monitoring and evaluation of the processes, activities, practices, policies and enforcement mechanism will be put in place so that all process and activities in the college are regularly reviewed, monitored and evaluated against the in place quality standards and to be reported to relevant college authorities or committees.
- Self-Assessment: We will conduct a self-evaluation review of all the resources, activities, policies, resources, procedures and outcomes of the entire research process annually to identify the effectiveness of the process in achievement of our strategic objectives and enhance our quality of research.
- External Verification: We will employ external verifier to review and validate our self-evaluation review. It will involve of panel of external experts and faculty members to identify the areas of improvement and the mechanism to be developed for enhancing the academic research in the college. The panel will prepare and submit an External Verification Report which will be submitted to the College Council for deliberation and action.
- Research Enhancement Plan: Based upon the recommendations and suggestions of the self-assessment review report and external-verification report, the College Council in collaboration with the Research Ethics Committee will draw up a Research Enhancement Plan. This plan will be incorporate into the college’s strategic plan.