Plagiarism is writing others’ words or ideas in your assignment without giving them credit. Students must acknowledge, in the form of in-text citations, the source of phrases and ideas that are not their own. You do not need to acknowledge ideas and phrases that are common knowledge. But, if you use ideas or phrases that were used originally by someone else, you must give credit.


A student must not plagiarize any idea, writing, data or invention belonging to another person. For the purpose of this rule, plagiarism includes:

  1. Using another writer’s words without proper citation.
  2. Using another writer’s ideas without proper citation.
  3. Citing the source but reproducing the exact words of a printed source without quotation marks.
  4. Borrowing the structure of another author’s phrases or sentences without crediting the author.
  5. Borrowing all or part of another student’s paper or using someone else’s outline to write your own paper.
  6. Using a paper writing “service” or translating the writing or creation of another person from one language to another.
  7. Any form of plagiarism found in assignments will result in disciplinary action that may lead to dismissal.
  8. Plagiarism will be detected through Turnitin for all the papers/assignment reports submitted on the student portal.
  9. The College will follow the below-mentioned marking scale for the assignment/papers marking based on content similarity as per Turnitin.
Similarity PercentageMarking Scale
0%-15%No Penalty
16%-25%10% deduction of marks
26%-35%20% deduction of marks
Above 35%

Assignment Rejected


  1. Any assignment/report rejected due to high plagiarism will be considered as late submission and students will be required to pay a late fee of MVR 250/- to submit the assignment/report after rectification or amendments.
  2. Collusion is the unauthorized collaboration of students in a piece of work that is submitted individually as one’s own. Students must not engage in either plagiarism or collusion. Both are grave academic offences.