
The purpose of classroom observation is to promote the highest standards of teaching and learning, encourage professional development, and ensure a consistent quality of educational delivery across all the courses offered by the Maldives Business School.


This policy applies to all teaching faculty and instructional spaces within the Maldives Business School.


  1. Observations are constructive, non-evaluative, and focused on improving the quality of teaching and learning.
  2. Feedback from observations is confidential and shared only with the observed faculty member.
  3. All faculty are subject to observation, regardless of tenure or seniority, to foster a culture of continuous improvement.



  1. Meeting with the faculty will be conducted by the observer.
  2. The observer will brief the faculty about the classroom observation, the date, time and grounds on which the class will be observed.


  1. The observer will supervise the class as agreed in the pre-conference stage.
  2. The observer will identify the areas of improvement during the class and note them in Professor In-Class Appraisal Form.


  1. Findings of Professor In-Class Appraisal Form will be discussed by the Observer and the faculty.
  2. Areas of improvement will be discussed by the Observer with the faculty.
  3. Training and development needs will be identified by the Observer in consultation with the faculty.



  1. Faculty will receive at least one week’s intimation prior to the scheduled observation.
  2. Pre-conference meeting will be conducted between the observer and the faculty to clarify the basis on which the observation will be conducted.
  3. The date and time will be mutually agreed upon between the observer and the faculty during the pre-conference meeting.

Selection of Observer:

  1. The observer will be selected by the College President to observe the class based on the purpose of the observation.
  2. Observers may include department heads, peer faculty, or external educational consultants.


  1. Observations should be carried out for not less than 30 minutes of the duration of a class session.
  2. Partial observations, focusing on specific aspects of teaching, may also be conducted.

Focus Areas:

  1. Observations may be general or may focus on specific areas such as instructional methods, student engagement, use of technology, classroom management, or any other areas as deemed necessary by the observer.
  2. The focus will be communicated to the faculty member in advance during pre-conference meeting.


  1. Within one week of the observation, the observer will provide written and/or verbal feedback to the faculty member.
  2. Feedback will highlight strengths and areas for development.
  3. Where necessary, resources or training opportunities will be suggested to address areas of improvement.


  1. A summary of the observation, including date, focus areas, and feedback, will be maintained by the Registrar’s office.
  2. This documentation is for internal use only and will be kept confidential.


  1. All classroom observations and subsequent feedback are considered confidential.
  2. Observers are bound by professional discretion and will not disclose details of the observation outside the agreed-upon channels.

Professional Development

  1. Faculty are encouraged to use feedback from observations for their professional development. The school will endeavor to provide resources and training opportunities to address common areas of development identified through observations.


This policy will be reviewed every two years to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Feedback from faculty and observers will be integral to this review process.

Concerns and Queries

Faculty with concerns or queries regarding the classroom observation process can approach:

Head of Academic Administration

Maldives Business School

2nd Floor, Ma. Ranmuiyge, Sayyid Kilegefaanu Magu. 20175

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 3003792