News & Announcements

Announcement regarding the Short Semester Modules

  • Please find the modules that will be conducted during the short semester of 2022.
  • Students who pay retake fees for modules coming up in this short semester can participate to complete their attendance.
  • The tentative date for the short semester is 5th Dec.
  • The payment deadline for accepting students for this short semester is 15th November.
  1. Human Resource Management in Business
  2. Understanding Retailing
  1. Small Business Enterprises
  2. Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results
  3. Principles of Accounting
  4. Management Accounting
  5. Human Resource Management
  6. Business Environment
  8. Organizational Behavior
  1. Business Works Experience
  2. Working With and Leading People
  3. Aspects of Contracts & Negligence in Business
  4. Business Strategies
  5. Advanced Accounting 1
  1. Supply Chain Management
  2. Research Thesis
  3. Strategic Human Resource Management
  1. Procedural Programming
  2. Website Designing
  3. Computer Systems
  4. Employability and Professional Development
  1. Local Area Networking Technologies
  2. Internet Server Management
  3. IT Security Management
  4. Network Security
  1. Organization & Behavior
  2. Performance Management
  3. Strategic Marketing Management

Student’s required to attend the short semester modules will be notified in the near future.

Please contact our student services for more details.

Attendance Policy
Progression Policy