Admission plays an important role in quality assurance and enhancement. We follow the MQA regulations on admission. Students are screened to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements before they are accepted into a program of study. This process is carried out by the registrar with the help of the administration.

Minimum entry requirements

  1. Each applicant is required to submit copies of their qualifications together with their applications.
  2. The applications are processed by an administrative staff and checked to ensure all the required documentation is there.
  3. The applications are then forwarded to the Registrar who makes a decision on whether to offer a place or not based on the applicant having met the minimum criteria set by the MQA.
  4. The Registrar then asks an administrative staff to write placement letters for applicants who meet the entry requirements and send them to the applicants.
  5. A fee schedule for the course is included with the placement tetter.
  6. The applicants are given a deadline to enroll in the course and pay the fee.
  7. The school then informs applicants whose applications were rejected.

Alternative entry route

The applicants are allowed to join the programs through the alternative entry criteria as prescribed by the MQA for various levels of MNQF qualifications.