Internal Review
- A one-year Quality Cycle will be maintained by the Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Compliance Committee (QAECC).
- Each year the QAECC will conduct a peer review of teaching and learning in all the courses to ensure that students are enabled to achieve the required standards. The report will be presented for consideration by the QAECC.
- The peer review data are given to an external verifier from outside of the College who will visit the classrooms and meet with the faculty and students to discuss the courses and resources.
- Based on the report, each concerned faculty will write a one-page report addressing the main concerns identified in the review report. Good practice gleaned from the reports are then shared as examples.
- In addition, the College also monitors the effectiveness of its teaching and learning process through assessments and students’ feedback.
External Review
- An appropriately qualified external verifier is appointed to assess if standards set out in the specifications are being maintained. They do this by examining the assessment instruments, internal marking and peer reviews.
- The External Verifier (EV) will produce a report to be presented to the QAECC on the attainment of learning outcomes given in the specifications and assessment methods.
- The QAECC will review the EV reports and submit them to the Senate with recommendations which will take action to maintain and enhance quality.