The aim of the school is to offer all learners fair and equal access to assessment against the school’s standards, including provisions of constructive feedback as appropriate. The assessor and students will work together during this process and both would agree on the decisions made. However, there may be times when students disagree with assessment decisions. The grades appeal procedure provides the student with the means to appeal against any decisions deemed unfair by the student.

Students may appeal for a re-check of a course mark/grade in writing within one month after the mark/grade is awarded.  No charge is levied for processing appeals.

Upon receipt of the appeal, a panel of assessors will evaluate the assessment. The grade awarded by the panel, after being endorsed by the Registrar, will be conveyed to the student and recorded in the student’s record and transcript. The decision made by the Registrar is final and no further appeal will be allowed.

1.    Grounds for appeal

Students can appeal against a decision by an assessor if they can show that:

  1. There was insufficient notice of the date, time and place of assessment.
  2. Any special equipment that they required was not available.
  3. Their special needs were not discussed prior to the assessment.
  4. Student were not given access to the appropriate resources

2.    Grounds for non-appeal

Students cannot appeal against a decision made by the assessor or verifier for the following reasons:

  1. If they disagree with the assessor for personal reasons.
  2. If they feel that the school’s methods of assessment is not appropriate.
  3. If they feel that the school does not accept or recognize their prior learning.