Maldives Business School is dedicated to providing students with high quality higher education. The school views assessment as a major factor in its quality assurance system.
The conduct of student assessment is a function of the Assessment Board. The basic principles applied in student assessments are:
- They should assess the learning outcomes specified in the module specifications.
- They should be rigorous and designed to support high standards.
- The assessment process must be transparent.
- The assessments must be equitable in both design and operation.
- They must be valid and reliable.
In accordance with these principles, the school will:
- Maintain standards by ensuring external scrutiny of its courses by an external verifier and consideration of their reports.
- Publish and regularly review procedures governing the conduct of assessments.
- Ensure that the criteria for the assessment of qualifications are kept under revision.
- Have in place procedures for the consideration of special assessment arrangements for reasons of disability or other special need.
- Have a proper mechanism for the resolution of complaints and appeals of an academic nature.
- Establish regulations and procedures for dealing with academic misconduct.
- Encourage students to participate in the improvement of teaching and assessment practices by giving student feedback.